Monday, 1 November 2010

It's been a wile...again!

Long summer nights have turned into long dark ones and here I am again having avoided blogging for ages. In part I think it's because I'm not that interesting...and then people keep telling me to share what's in my head! My winter resolution is to get into the habit & hopefully it will stick!
I've recently been considering why I do what I do( again!). Challenging & changing times are great opportunities to re-evaluate where we are up to & in what direction we are heading.
My "why" is all about choice, freedom & inner peace. It all starts with that and is shaping all other activity.  For example, I have managed to reduce my hourly rate( to make  my services more inclusive) by increasing the amount of corporate work. I believe my biggest challenge at the moment is to continue this approach in the face of corporate cautiousness & more limited budgets. In particular there is a good deal of interest in bespoke retreats to enable teams/groups to re-evaluate their own "why". Once the "why" is clear we can tolerate uncertainty & ambiguity much better & our "how" & "what" evolve according to prevailing circumstances.

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